This last week has been a real walk down memory lane...
Balmy summer days spent exploring grandmas garden, surrounded by weird and wonderful vibrant flowers, brimming with character and charm.
Today, working with all these locally grown blooms, I am instantly transported right back to those childhood moments. The incredible scents, the vast textures and the wild, natural feel of these stems makes them a real delight to work with. We are receiving some lovely messages of thanks from our clients too who are equally adoring the bouquets and arrangements of British flowers that are passing through the shop.
I just had to share a few snaps of the joy that is our delivery from Bramshill Flowers. Characterful British-grown flowers, foliage, herbs and grasses cut and delivered daily from their farm near Hook, in the beautiful countryside of North Hampshire. See our home grown collection using these British flowers.
What I love the most about receiving flowers from Bramshill, is the pure excitement of what we will be presented with in our daily mixed buckets. It depends entirely on whatever is looking gorgeous on the farm that week. From wispy stems of wildflowers to stand-out exquisite blooms and heavily scented herbs. The combinations are truly inspired.
Because Bramshill flowers are grown outside without chemicals and in harmony with nature they are completely seasonal but also they don't necessarily all grow straight or exactly the same = flowers with personality... I love this!
Rather than harmful pesticides, Bramshill use tried and tested methods to encourage toads to eat the slugs and ladybirds to help keep the aphids at bay.
They pick their flowers to order and being local to us in Hampshire, that's as fresh as them come!

Deborah - Bramshill Flowers,
Read more about our support of British Flowers Week here and how we are continuing the theme across the month.